AK-AL: Lt. Gov. Announces Primary Challenge Against Young

It looks like crumb-bum Don Young has another primary challenger to fend off: the state’s Lt. Governor, Sean Parnell:

Alaska Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell stunned everyone at the Republican state convention Friday, announcing he will challenge 18-term incumbent Don Young for Alaska’s lone seat in the U.S. House.

“For too long, we have expected too little from our elected officials,” Parnell said. “It is time for change.”

Young’s response?  Oh, he’s pissed:

“Sean, congratulations,” Young said. “I beat your dad and I’m going to beat you.”

Pat Parnell ran as a Democrat against Young in the 1980 general election. Young received 114,089 votes to the elder Parnell’s 39,922, according to the Division of Elections.

Gesturing with his finger toward Parnell, Young said that if Parnell had wanted the U.S. House seat, he should have run two years ago.

“If you wanted to run for this job, you should have done it two years ago instead of running for lieutenant governor,” Young said. “You wanted that job. Stay where you are, and that’s where you’re going to be.”

Parnell joins state Rep. Gabrielle LeDoux in the primary fight against Young.  An October poll obtained by the Swing State Project had Young with a 61%-33% lead over LeDoux.  We’ll see how the anti-Young vote splits.

(H/T: The Politico)

5 thoughts on “AK-AL: Lt. Gov. Announces Primary Challenge Against Young”

  1. Is there any Alaskan politician who isn’t the son or daughter of some other Alaskan politician? All states have their political dynasties, but the Alaskans seem to actual require membership in such a dynasty even to run for Haines county comptroller.

  2. Because now with a second Repub challenger to split the anti-Young votes, doesn’t this increase his already good odds on winning his primary.

    Or is he just pissed all the time now in general 😉

    (BTW his Wikipedia page  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D…  has a long list of his public outbursts. Maybe this one belongs on it too)

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